Saturday, March 2, 2013

To Grid or Not to Grid

Well I have my supplies and I have time to work now the only thing still in my way is deciding what exactly I want to make.

Idea #1 - Fallout Brotherhood

Ah yes Fallout a game series everyone loved and that I didn't jump on the bandwagon until two years after Fallout 3 came out.  Ok so I was late to the party but I still loved it.  And the iconic image of the Brotherhood of Steel feels like it would translate well as grid art.  Even if the small details get pushed aside the silhouette of the image will still have an intimidating appearance   Well as long as it is still somewhat recognizable on a 40 by 40 grid.

Idea #2 - Doctor Fiction (Pulp Fiction + Doctor Who)

My current laptop background and an awesome mash-up I found online, this picture would be really cool to do as grid art.  Taking two awesome things like Pulp Fiction and Doctor Who and putting them together makes this picture really amazing in my eyes.  I know exactly how I would do it as grid art but the only issue would be if the image would still be recognizable in that form.

Idea #3 - Prof. Oak

Yup I am in a fairly nerdy train of thought right now and can't think of anything besides movies, television shows, and video games to make as my grid art.  So why not Professor Oak?  Compared to my other ideas he is definitely the simplest image and the one that would be the most recognizable as grid art.  But I almost wonder if he is a bit too simple.  

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