Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sample Music

When we were discussing sample based music today in class the first thing that came to my mind were all of the videos on YouTube that remix dialogue and sounds from games and movies into songs.  Here are a few that I remembered.

Ballad of Black Mesa:
In this video he took many of the gun sounds from Half Life 2 and used them to compose a song.


TF2 - Guns Orchestra:
This video does the same thing but with sounds from a different game.  Skip to 25 seconds in for it to start.


Ok so the name may sound a bit off putting and it should since the song is pretty weird.  Made from this guy's voice and sung by many floating animated heads.


Jack Black - Octagon Remix:
Here's an old one that must have been removed from YouTube a while ago.  The re-upload has pretty bad video quality but its still just as addicting as ever.  Made from the audio of one time that Jack Black talked about an octagon.


Intensive Gaston Unit:
Heavily manipulated voice and sound from Beauty and the Beast.


I Hurt People:
Made from voice clips from TF2's Meet the Team videos.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Performance

Technology is always watching us and keeping tabs on what we do.  We voluntarily allow it to do so by posting status updates, pictures, and videos of ourselves on the internet.  Even if we do not do these things all businesses and many public locations have security cameras and other ways to monitor us.  Simply by walking across campus I pass by many cameras each day.

So in an age when we are all so exposed to cameras and being watched why is it that many people are so afraid to be on camera.  If they do not have the time to prepare themselves the average person simply does not know what to do in front of a camera.

Even just asking a simple 'Excuse me, what time is it?'  becomes very difficult for people to answer. Most eventually do answer but not after stuttering or trying to cover themselves from the camera.

This is what I tried to bring to light in my performance when I went around campus asking various people that very question while Chris pointed a camera at them.

Blogger does not seem to like my monster sized movie file so I can't upload it right now.  I can upload it elsewhere if you still want it.

For now here is an action packed screenshot from when I was working on it.  Exciting!